Candidates: What to expect

Searching for a new job can be challenging, especially in the current economy, however that shouldn’t be an excuse for a recruitment consultant giving you poor service.

At Dolphin-Stone, you are just as important to us as the employers we work with and we’ll look after you in exactly the same way. If we’ve made contact with you, we will keep in contact with you. We’ll be honest about the opportunities available so that you know exactly where you stand. We won’t give you false hopes.

If we do have the perfect role for you, we’ll help you get the job. We know exactly what our clients are looking for and we will coach you with interview skills, help you highlight your strengths and advise you on how to present your CV in the most advantageous way.

And we’ll do all that no matter who you are or what level you work in within a company. Read more here about how seriously we take our responsibility to candidates.

If you’re looking for a career move and you have experience working in sales, marketing, finance or operations in the Data, Digital Media, Business information, Marketing, Advertising or Supply Chain and Logistics industries, please contact us. We don’t advertise vacancies on this website deliberately as we offer a very focused and personal service (rather than a high volume CV management service) so please do get in touch.

Our responsibility to you

For most candidates, looking for a job can be a daunting and often frustrating experience. The fact is that every recruitment agency should empathise with this but that isn’t always the case unfortunately.

At Dolphin-Stone Consultancy you have our word you will be treated differently and you will always experience a positive recruitment service.

This is what you can expect when you work with us:

We listen – We’ll take time to understand you, your background, experience, skills, strengths, weaknesses and career aspirations. We are not looking to earn a quick fee from quick placements, as this will not benefit you, our client or us in the long term. We want to build a long lasting relationship with you, after all, who knows what will happen down the road? You may even ask us to employ people for you in the future.

Personal attention - Being a small, boutique recruitment consultancy, we are able to provide a much more personal service than most. We promise you won’t get lost in the database as just another CV.

Honesty - We cannot guarantee we will find you your dream job but the roles presented to you will be relevant. If we cannot do anything for you we will be upfront and honest.

Representation - After assessing your suitability for a role and discussing the position and company with you in great depth, we will represent you professionally and guide you throughout the process. You will be advised on how to improve and tailor your CV, and how to prepare for your interview to show off your skills and suitability for the role in the best possible way.

Integrity - We will not forward your CV to any company unless we have discussed that role with you first. We’ll be selective too, as sending your CV out for hundreds of jobs will not give the right impression. Employers need to feel you want to work for them – not just anyone and everyone.

Feedback – We’ll make sure you will always receive constructive feedback on a job application or interview no matter what the outcome. Most agencies handle such a high volume of CVs they don’t have the time to respond to you. At Dolphin-Stone, we deliberately only manage a small amount of candidates and clients so we can respond to everyone within 48 hours or less.

Reputation – At Dolphin Stone we have forged excellent relationships with our clients (some spanning 10 years). With these companies we often hear of job openings as soon as they become available and before they are publicly advertised which you can take advantage of before anyone else.

Confidentiality – Some of our candidates will ask us to treat their applications in the strictest confidence especially when considering moving to a direct competitor. You can have complete peace of mind that we will handle your CV discreetly and professionally at all times.

Submit your CV